Easy Ways To Simplify Your Life

By Nikoleta Ljuljdjuraj - 2:42 PM

How often do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed? Sometimes, I feel like I have at least a hundred things going on. College, family, my social life, my daily responsibilities, goals, blogging- it’s easy to start feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day to do it all. Each day I have at least 10 emails to reply to, laundry to do and not to forget blog posts to write. It’s easy to start feeling overwhelmed.
I considered myself a very organized person, but still, I can't get all of these things in time. I do love to clean, de-clutter and organize because then I get that out of my chest, and I enjoy my time just then when I have everything in place. I just have too much stuff and sometimes try to do too many things at once, which let's be realistic no one can do that. It can sometimes feel like we overcomplicate our lives ourselves, although not necessarily it's our purpose. 

Here are some tips that I do each time when I feel overwhelmed and I need to get things done. 

What I do each time is I wash your mug right after I finish my coffee- don’t let the dishes pile up. Do your bed right after you get up in the morning. Open the email as soon as you get home. If you do these things “as you go” you will notice that you won’t have to spend a lot of time constantly cleaning. All of these things are simple and only take up a few minutes of your time. 

Don’t waste your time for people who aren’t good for you. Don’t be afraid to cut ties if you feel that the relationship is toxic and it doesn't do any good for yourself. Your time is precious, make sure to spend it with people you care about, people who make you feel good about yourself. At the end of the day who is true to you is all that matters.

Get rid of old things like clothes, dishes, electronics, magazines, furniture you no longer need- donate what you can. Too many material possessions sitting around can make you feel drained and they often complicate things and take your attention away from the things that matter.

I have this thing that  I immediately subscribe to blogs and websites if I happen to like them at a first sight. The truth is, there are very few of those newsletter emails that I actually read. I recently unsubscribed from a whole bunch of them and now my inbox is much neater and a lot pleasant to browse through. 

I’m talking about both small daily goals like getting your workout in, finishing reading that book, organizing your makeup, etc. and life goals. Write them down go through them and pick the ones you feel are most important to you. By reducing the number of your goals you’re increasing your focus and you’ll be more likely to succeed.

This can be life-changing, at least for me it is. If you find yourself rushing out the door every morning, being in a hurry, getting an early start can give you more time to do things like sitting down and writing down your to-do list, preparing lunch and getting ready for the day, doing your makeup on time, and releasing that stress that you need to rush.

Don’t feel obligated to say “yes” to things you don’t feel like doing. Don’t feel the need to explain yourself- if you don’t want to do it, just say no. Nobody can be you, and that is your power, don't forget that. 

Have a place for everything, and put everything back where it belongs. This will make your life much easier and you won’t waste time looking for things because you don’t know where you put them. 

Do you have any other ideas on how to simplify your life? Do you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed?

Nikoleta Lj, xoxo.

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